My Role: Art Director
Project Goal: Explore a new approach for Back-to-School for Amazon’s Apparel Category. This initial project would make the case for the re-envisioning of Amazon Clothing and Accessory categories.
Project Description
In 2009, I was asked to re-envision the way that Amazon approached Apparel, since sales were not increasing as fast as other categories. Amazon needed a point of view, an image—something more enticing than a basic product shot—to make a difference.
We were given a small budget to test a new approach, starting with the Back-to-School campaigns. The goal was to get the senior executive team to recognize that fashion was different from other product categories and it needed to be treated as such. I put together a team that included a fashion photographer, a stylist, a hair and makeup person, and hired models. The image on the right shows the landing page from this effort... and the road to change was paved.
“Skot is a total pleasure to work with. His drive, creative talent and ability to recruit, lead and inspire a team is remarkable and served us well when we worked together to build the first creative editorial for the Amazon Clothing Store. During that time, he proved himself to be an incredible partner with a unique ability to translate the needs of the business into a creative vision and experience.”
~ Catherine Lewis Beaudoin, VP of Softlines,