After working the the original Prickly Pear Cactus Pad Skeleton photo, I decided to push the image a little further. The following images are the result of that experimentation. The original image is the last photo.
Cactus Pad | Evil Princess
Cactus Pad | Chocolate Cathedral
Cactus Pad | Cobalt Lace
Cactus Pad | Energized
Lace Cookie Castle
Cactus Pad | Charmer
Cactus Pad | No Chiffon Here
Cactus Pad | Spice Shades
Burnt Desire
Dark Extravagance
Emerald Wishes
Exquisite Construction
Coral Decadence
Gilt Dreams
Rococo Blue
Stained Glass Filigree
Cactus Pad | Original Photo